Our Impact Projects are aligned with the UN-SDGs.

UNIDO Global Science & Technology Innovation Network Digital Finance Research Institute is established in 2018. The Institute focuses on reconstruction of consumption and production through Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, the Big Data, the Internet of Values. Its practice includes the inclusive finance, which is a powerful tool to promote the poverty alleviation and empower those who are disadvantaged.

"Asia-Pacific Intelligent Agriculture and Food Safety (Changchun) Demonstration Zone". Together with the government, investors and leading enterprises, we have completed the general strategic planning, industrial positioning, technical support report, business development and international cooperation partnership plan of 2015-2019.

“Asia-Pacific LifeScience and Health Demonstration Zone" (Beidaihe New Area )”. Under this platform, in collaboration with the government, investors and leading enterprises, a number of investment promotion and international cooperation projects have been achieved

Together with SIIF, COG provides professional guidance and training for children to develop a research mindset, and also opportunities for children to have hands-on experience of actual scientific research as well as developing research of their own.

SIIF supports gender equality and provides equal access to education and employment opportunities for women, and encourages, resources and training for women as entrepreneurs, researchers, engineers, and investors, which will increase the visibility of women in these fields.

Kiko Technology™ is a proven Green Technology that provides a cost effective and safe solution that can re-shape traditional industry operations, a fascinating Game Changer across multiple applications including agriculture, aquaculture, medical / Waterceuticals™, environmental / soils and industrial / scale reduction.

Wärtsilä is a global leader in innovative technologies and lifecycle solutions for the marine and energy markets. It emphasises innovation in sustainable technology and services to help its customers continuously improve their environmental and economic performance.

"Asia & Pacific Knowledge Economic Demonstration Zone (Beijing Fangshan)" project, and co-work with the government, funders and local leading enterprises have been successful built up the "Super Honeycomb Innovation Center"

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is China's largest oil and gas producer and supplier, as well as one of the world's major oilfield service providers and a globally reputed contractor in engineering construction. With a presence in almost 70 countries, CNPC is seeking an even greater role in international sustainable development, with great importance attachment to its technology innovation, labour protection, and environment responsibilities.

Led the jointed working team composed from International partners, central government, university and thinker tanker to conduct the feasibility research and project proposal development.

Founded in 1997, FOMTEX has been the strategic partner with major Japanese companies in consumer electronic devices OEM/ODM services. Through various market field-tests, it has shown that FOMTEX‘s product can not only save 50% ~ 80% energy but moreover it can achieve sustainability.of lighting output.

Cooperate with Chinese central and regional governments and the major enterprises recommended by the government, constructively developed the implementation plan of the five-year investment project planning for the central and western regions of China, included led some international cooperation project promotion practically

Together with the specialised group composed with the funding-partners, local governments, universities and other professional advisory teams, working through entire three years of unremitting efforts, achievements have been made.

Seal is coordinating with NGOs under United Nations and secondary schools, having a partnership for sustainability programs to keep improving the environmental performance and keep developing sustainability, as to meet the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, so as to have a positive impact locally and globally.

Xarbon aims at creating a community consensus and actualizing sustainability through digital technology. By creating a bridge to connect retail consumers with low carbon product sellers. Xarbon has provided the positive incentive for individuals and corporates to actively participate in sustainable development.

SIIF supports the investment and procurement in infrastructures and industries that provides a wide range of job opportunities. It is believed that our investment and procurement can promote the poverty alleviation and build the capacity and resilience of the vulnerable groups.

TAMEE is a one-stop matching PLATFORM for corporates in Hong Kong and small-scale goals specified NGOs, NPOs, Social Enterprises, SEMs that the corporates can select quality projects they are willing to sponsor with ease.